Thursday, March 8, 2007

Knowing You Don't Know

What an interesting day... full of stress, boredom, a bit of excitement, realization of ignorance and topped off with a dollop of fun.
Today marked my most intense day of midterms, my focus being on my Medicina tradicional de México examen parcial (midterm), one I got up at 7:00 AM to study for. As it turned out, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it to be, however I have yet to receive my grade, so I'll let you know if my opinion turns out to be true.
Then after that, in my Identity Through Discourse class, we had a guest teacher lecturing on performed identities online, via emails, IMs, social networks (i.e., myspace) and blogs. At first, I thought "Oh, internet? Ha! I know plenty about that, what does this lady have to tell ME about the internet??" It was a short lecture, but, as it turned out, caused some personal mixed feelings to arise.
For the last "while" (I'm not clear on how long it's been) I've been consciously trying to discover new things on the internet, searching and educating myself on current, modern technologies, popular sites, and general "things to know". And honestly I feel I've been quite successful, considering that my friends and family have been able to use me as a source for learning about online popular culture. However, this lecture - given by an obviously huge internet geek - made me feel so...superficial. There is clearly so much that I know absolutely nothing about!
So here, here is a list of 5 things that I knew nada about. Educate yourself, stay in the know. I don't want you to feel like I did.

  • L33t - that is "Leet Speak", an online writing system used in games or, more and more, in popular online forums.
  • /b/-Random - I'm not quite sure yet why this site is so big, but apparently it is. The link here is to the main page, but /b/, the random imageboard is what all the hoopla is about. If you figure anything out, please, fill me in.
  • Cat Macros - also know as Kittah, this is just something really odd. What else can I say? People take pictures of cats, photoshop some random text onto it, and think it's funny. Again, I don't really get it, but I guess I'm supposed to know about it. Check out this link to see some good examples.
  • Memes - if you find one, please share it.
  • And I guess HTML is just something that people should know. This I did know, and I'm working on it, even though I have no desire to. It's for the sake of knowledge people, teh knowledge.
If you know of anything else I should bother educating myself with, feel free to let me know. No offense taken. I'd rather feel stupid when I ask for it, instead of when I'm put on the spot.


Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad. I just learned about leet as well. It seems pretty silly overall. There is however an amusing clip of a leetfreak winning on Jeopardy and wagering $1337:

Anonymous said...

memes are a fascinating phenomenon! Would be one?
i'm getting a little addicted to your blog. don't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!