Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Battle of the Brews

Returning to my argument first brought up last week on the Superiority of Tea, I would like to add to the ever-
growing demise of "the bean" beverage. My post last week definitely stirred some deep feelings readers had regarding their stance on the topic. I had a whopping 4 responses! Indeed, is appears the tea/coffee debate is a black and white subject: you're either a tea person or a coffee person, just like you're either a Beatles person or an Elvis person. Maybe there is no clear right or wrong side to take... but when there's evidence at hand, there's no sense in leaving it unexploited!
Again, my ally, the BBC has produced more evidence against the dreaded bean. A new study shows that regular coffee drinkers are not actually gaining any heightened alertness by having their morning cup. Instead, their morning fix of caffeine simply returns their bodies to normal alertness, no more than your average non-coffee drinker, or even tea drinker for that matter. Interesting! So what does that make me think...Well, at least tea drinkers don't rely on a placebo to get through their day. Muah haha!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I can't get through the day without having my morning coffee. And yes maybe that is a bad thing...but my god it is sooo good. Coffee makes me look forward to getting up in the morning. Tea doesn't and never has. Therefore, I vote for coffee.