Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Future of the Past

According to the futurologists of the 1970's, our current generation should be much further along in creating those self-contained cities. I just found Buckminster Fuller and Paolo Soleri's Sea City 2000 concept of 1979. What are we still doing living in houses, taking up all this space?? We're supposed to be living in floating cities!
I really liked the idea behind their concept, and wanted to find out if anything like it has actually been done or is in the works.
The most interesting thing I found was the Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid, a proposed project over Tokyo Bay. It's 12 times higher than the Great Pyramid at Giza and would house 750,000 people! Crazy! I hope to see something like this come into existence before I die.
I guess this just goes to show, you really can't predict what's gonna happen.

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