Friday, April 13, 2007

Ambitions for My Next Life

After viewing Nova's program on cuttlefish, Kings of Camouflage, (thanks Ian!) I became conscious of a significant personal aspiration, something that could possibly alter my future well being: I want to be reincarnated into a cuttlefish (but not a Flamboyant one. Nothing against flamboyancy, I would just rather have a cuttle bone and perhaps be a bit bigger.)
I'm not sure if reincarnation is something you're allowed to have a direct say in, but if there is a possibility in any way, shape or form, I'm making it official today, here on G&C. Even though they are related to slugs, cuttlefish are without a doubt the coolest animal on Earth, or at least one of the coolest (I have a soft spot for anything that flies, minus insects). Who wouldn't want to have the ability to change color and texture on command? And in the blink of an eye? So many possibilities, it's mind boggling! They also have amazing eyesight.
Plus, it is comforting to know that I wouldn't be trapped inside a creature that is... how shall we say... stupid. Apparently, cuttlefish can learn. Quickly. And, I don't mean to boast, but as a cuttlefish I feel I could prove to be a rational, perspicacious little cuttlefish. I could help to influence the establishment of the first cuttlefish colony. I would revolutionize cuttlefish life as a whole!!
Although... they can only live for like, 2 years or something. I'm not sure if I can learn all that is needed in order to colonize an entire species in that amount of time. Maybe I'm being unrealistic.
But hey! At least I could hypnotize my food.


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