Monday, February 26, 2007

Forever Young...?

Aging is such an interesting topic. Some people spend much of their lives trying to figure out how to accept it, some learn to look forward to it in anticipation of gaining wisdom, while still others want to ignore it. There is another group, however, a group trying to end aging. This group is the Immortality Institute. I found this video on and at first was a bit uninspired to watch it. Afterwards, however, my mind flooded with questions and speculations about what this could mean for humankind. Definitely a worthwhile watch.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm..... Interesting. I don't think I would like to live forever. Unless my life was filled with wonderful martinis that never hurt my liver and arrived into my hand every 5 minutes. Then I could live forever! -Katie

Anonymous said...

Hola. Le escribe el desarrollador de www.Thoughtware.TV. Me alegra mucho que disfrute de los videos y que los mismos le ayuden a aprender! :)

La felicito por su interes en el EspaƱol, por su blog sumamente interesante y por ser una femina del cual podemos estar orgullosos.

Espero que continue visitandonos, hasta pronto!