Thursday, April 26, 2007

Captain! She Can't Handle Internet Speed!

So there's a new theory out there hypothesizing that MySpace is doomed to future failure. Although I strongly support this theory purely based on personal opinions on the efficiency of MySpace compared to other social networking websites (*coughfacebookcough*) I decided to investigate further into the topic.
According to David Louis Edelman's blog, several arguments exist that question the stability of MySpace. For example, MySpace's
  • "Slowing pace of innovation. Adapt or die, that’s the unofficial motto of the Internet. And unlike, say, Google, which continues to pump out features and applications by the gallon, MySpace has remained largely sedentary for the past year. They released a lamentable, old-school IM client and better video integration, but otherwise the system is pretty much the same as it was 18 months ago. As MySpace’s technical problems grow and their folks spend more and more time just keeping up with demand, they’re going to fall even further behind."
It's true. Anyone who's a member of MySpace as well as some other social network such as facebook, can easily recognize the lack of change in all of MySpace's features.
MySpace had a great idea but it just got messy and unreliable. Members are shifting from the desire to have flashy, look-at-my-awesome-song profiles to simple, clean, dependable profiles. And added to that, they want new features! that keep them up-to-date on current popular trends. While facebook is incorporating characteristics of twitter and flickr MySpace continues on just as it started. It's a real shame. They were onto something good. But without the simple fact that change is necessary, they ruined it for everyone. Except facebook that is.

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