Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Cayenne to the Rescue!

I just read on reddit a very interesting cure for a sore throat: cayenne pepper. Apparently, if you gargle a mixture of water, cayenne and salt (optional) your sore throat will magically disappear. Instantly. I haven't tried it yet, but when I do, don't worry, I will blog about it.

This cure comes from Earth Clinic, a website with an eclectic mix of folk remedies and holistic cures. The layout of the website is nice, since readers/patients of these remedies can post comments about their personal experiences with the treatment, in a yea or nay fashion. It looks like the cayenne pepper remedy is by far the best received, with well over 100 yeas.
I just got over a cold, (damn!) so I have no need to experiment with this as of now... however I do have a slightly stuffy nose...

Here is a supposedly good recipe I got from this blog:
  • 1 standard drinking glass of hot to warm water
  • 1 teaspoon of cayenne powder
  • a couple pinches of salt for good measure (most people say its not necessary but it won’t hurt)
Please, if you try this, let me know how it goes, I am so curious!

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